Thun, 1937
His mother dreamed of him as a painter, his father saw him as a bank employee, but instead he became one of the most famous caricaturists in his country. Cartoonist, creator of animated films for Swiss-German television, author of various humorous books. For his work he received several awards, such as the Golden Dattero in 1987 and the Palme d'Or in 1988 at the Salone. Today he lives and works in Ponte Brolla in the Canton of Ticino and dedicates himself above all to painting and sculpture.
Friendship with a very inspiring family – in a wonderful place
Friendship / Italianness
Another vision of life.
A more or less happy person.
The Salone has always brought a surprising smile to everyday reality.
(an old, old cartoon)
42° - because I'm so modest...
The event could not have lasted for over fifty years without the contribution of numerous "volunteers" and "precepts" who brought enthusiasm and desire to do whatever the task received, with nineteenth-century shifts! From the choice of the drawings, to the preparation of the panels (always the same every year), to the posting with various pins of the hundreds of drawings up to the presence on stage.
We therefore want to thank, in absolutely no order but with equal contributions, all those who come to mind, apologizing if we miss some, but we are ready to fix it!
Sponsors: Agnesi, Olio Calvi, Olio Carli, Pallanca, Martini & Rossi, Atkinsons, Seat - Pagine Gialle, Fiat, Citizen, La Stampa, Radio Montecarlo, etc.
The accommodation activities, Chez Louis, Bar GP, La Vecchia, Mino du Re Dolceacqua, Terme di Pigna, Ristorante Cacciatori Imperia, Hotel Michelin,
Presenters: Luisella Berrino, Cesare Viazzi, Roberto Basso (Rama di Palma d'Oro 1985)
The employees of the Autonomous Tourist Board and of the Municipality of Bordighera