
Press Release 1/2023

The program includes the inauguration in the presence of the authorities on 22 June, the days of the Salone from 22 to 24 and the award ceremony on the 25th in the evening. The exhibition will continue until 23 July every day from 18 to 22.


It is a panel by Quino dedicated to the sea understood as a means of communication; the subtle irony of the shipwrecked person who has no more room to send his message in the bottle, good-naturedly underlines his loneliness.


Continuing the 2022 initiative with Peynet, this section is dedicated to JJoaquín Salvador Lavado Tejón  aka Quino, creator of the famous Mafalda. The series of works on display will allow us to admire the various phases of the great master's work. We will also have the opportunity to see some short films directed by the same author and recently restored.


This year we resume the tradition of awards for the best themed drawing: Palma d'Oro, Dattero d'Oro and Dattero d'Argento. The Rama di Palma d'Oro and other prizes in the tradition of the Salone will go to various personalities.

The theme is SEA, understood in its broadest sense: a source of poetic inspiration, of travel, of geographical discoveries, of globalisation, of drama, of entertainment.

In short, as De André said: The sea is a unique element that separates and unites. In its role of separating it stimulates our imagination, when it unites it puts us in constant relationship with reality.

Approximately 400 designers from 71 countries (last year they were 140 and 38); the drawings received nearly 800 ( c/ 340). Of these, approx. 180 will be exhibited in the exhibition and among these 3 will be awarded. An unexpected result of great quality where the environmental aspect appears to be the primary attention of the majority of humorists of all countries.


These are personalities from the world of international humor of high standing: a consolidated tradition of the Salone.

The jurors of the 53rd Bordighera International Humor Show are:

  • Paola Biribanti, degree in Art History, journalist and author of some biographies and essays on fashion and costume personalities. Member of the Board of Directors of ANAFI (National Association of Friends of Comics and Illustration), author of Palma, Datteri e Risate, la storia del Salone 1947 -1999 (Graphe ed.)
  • Lucio Trojano, humorous cartoonist and winner of the Palma d'Oroin 1979. He collaborates with numerous international newspapers and television networks. He is part of numerous juries of humorous drawing including the Salone.
  • Hanspeter Wyss, cartoonist, creator of animated films for German-Swiss Television, author of various humorous books. In 1988, he won the Palma d'Or at the Bordighera International Humor Show.
  • Marc Goujon, director of the Musée Peynet and du dessin humoristique of Antibes, France, member of the Cartooning for Peace Association.
  • Luigi F. Bona, President of the F. Fossati Foundation and director of the WOW Museum of Comics in Milan.
  • Gigia Perfetto, represents the International Humor Exhibition Association.


It is the exhibition reserved for the winners of the Palma d'Or, artists who have made the history and glory of the Salone over the years. Peynet, Furrer, Fazlic, Cavallo, Mordillo…


The events will be held at:


Stands of manga, historical comics and humorous books will be set up.

Presentations and conferences:

Walter Fontana with the marketing man and the lemon variant (Bompiani), an exhilarating analysis of the corporate world, a place where adults continually suffer childhood traumas. For Walter it is a welcome return having won the Dattero d'Oro in 1995 for the same book which was recently reprinted by popular demand. He is also an author for TV, Che Tempo Che Fa,Quelli che il calcio, Mai dire Gol, collaborates with Aldo, Giovanni and Giacomo, Ale and Franz, Angela Finocchiaro…

Maddalena Jahoda with Whales save us (Mursia). Maddalena, biologist and journalist is part of the Tethys Institute and will be assisted by the humorist Milko Dalla Battista who during the conference will presently illustrate the anecdotes told in the book. It is an opportunity to learn more about the Tethys organization and its initiatives for the protection of cetaceans in the so-called Pelagos triangle of the Mediterranean.

Claudio Mellana with Muto come una vignette (Il Pennino). Claudio will tell how humorous drawing should be without words. He begins by publishing satirical and humorous drawings in underground magazines and then lands in national newspapers and periodicals. He doesn't stop and currently his drawings and aphorisms appear in various online magazines. And then many exhibitions, many collective and some personal.

Alessandro Zucchelli with Why we laugh. In this meeting, starting from the physiology of laughter, we arrive at the artists' ability to arouse it, setting the basis for a recipe for comedy. Graduated in Pedagogy with a thesis on why jokes make you laugh, he participated in the Bordighera International Humor Show in 1976 and 1977 as a humorist, and in 1998 and 1999 as a speaker. He has always studied humour, trying to box it into a formula, without success so far.


It will also be interesting to discover Massimo Marchiori, aka Stari Ribar, an artist whose goal is to "fish" plastic from the seas and clean up the beaches. Thanks to a careful and accurate choice, to the combination of different pieces, textures and shades of colors, Massimo communicates all his creativity, transforming his know-how into love for the sea and nature. In his hands the plastic melts, molds, changes shape, giving life to fish and three-dimensional works. Massimo exhibits some of his creations at the Venice Architecture Biennale, currently underway.

In a public laboratory, entitled Tappo dopo Tappo, Stari, also in the name of MAREVIVO Onlus (, will show how to transform recycled materials into works of art with imagination and a sense of humor.


The Awards Ceremony will take place in the suggestive and historic Liberty-style Cinema Olimpia, recently renovated. Assignment of the Palma d'Oro, Dattero d'Oro and Dattero d'Argento to the humorists for the fixed-theme MARE drawing competition; Rama di Palma d'Oro for Lifetime Achievement to Francesco Salvi, great multifaceted interpreter of the comedy of the Milanese school. An artist crosses not only different styles of comedy but also different means of expression, from cinema to music, theatre and literature. For the latter, he was awarded the Palma d'Oro in Bordighera for his book "History of World Culture”.

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The works are the intellectual property of the authors, protected by copyright, and are exhibited on the site for the sole purpose of preserving the cultural heritage of the "Salone”.

Salone Internazionale dell'Umorismo

The event could not have lasted for over fifty years without the contribution of numerous "volunteers" and "precepts" who brought enthusiasm and desire to do whatever the task received, with nineteenth-century shifts! From the choice of the drawings, to the preparation of the panels (always the same every year), to the posting with various pins of the hundreds of drawings up to the presence on stage.

We therefore want to thank, in absolutely no order but with equal contributions, all those who come to mind, apologizing if we miss some, but we are ready to fix it!

Sponsors: Agnesi, Olio Calvi, Olio Carli, Pallanca, Martini & Rossi, Atkinsons, Seat - Pagine Gialle, Fiat, Citizen, La Stampa, Radio Montecarlo, etc.

The accommodation activities, Chez Louis, Bar GP, La Vecchia, Mino du Re Dolceacqua, Terme di Pigna, Ristorante Cacciatori Imperia, Hotel Michelin,

Presenters: Luisella Berrino, Cesare Viazzi, Roberto Basso (Rama di Palma d'Oro 1985)

The employees of the Autonomous Tourist Board and of the Municipality of Bordighera