
53nd Edition of the International Exhibition of Humor

Theme of the year: SEA

  • With the 53rd anniversary, the award ceremony for drawing with the Palme d'Or returns and the Salon once again becomes one of the longest-running world exhibitions!

    After Peynet it's Quino's turn to be the protagonist of the homage to an author. A series of twelve panels tell us about Joaquín Salvador Lavado Tejón, or Quino, master of profound irony expressed through an essential trait. Mafalda, his famous big girl, captures us with her gaze on humanity, feminine, acute, irreverent, typical of the 60s.

    The winners for drawing are: Palma d'Oro: Halit Kurtulmus (Turkey), Golden Date Maria Gió Quaranta, Silver Date Luc Vernimmen (Belgium)

    The collaborations:  a splendid panel from the WOW Comics Museum in Milan tells the birth and success of this unique initiative in Italy. The talk Why we laugh; from the physiology of laughter to the recipe for provoking it, edited by Alessandro Zucchelli. Stari Ribar's laboratory to stimulate imagination and respect for the environment. The works of Giancarlo Mazzoni, a sculptor artist, who works in Bordighera but his works set sail for distant seas. The Beach Guys  a collection of caricatures of the stereotypes of tanning fanatics by Paolo Del Bianco, Dattero d'Oro in 1994, which also presents Nettuno é PERFETTO", a funny caricature of the legendary founder of the Salon, Cesare Perfetto.

    Alongside the manga stands curated by the Mondadori bookstore, the contemporaryhumorous literature of Amico Libro and the historical comics of thAmici del ComicAssociation of Ventimiglia, in the frame of the cut outs by Peynet, Jacovitti, Mordillo, Cavandoli.

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The Awards

After a break of over twenty years, the competition and the award ceremony are back! The Palma d'Oro, the Dattero d'Oro and the Dattero d'Argento are the awards to the best drawings on the theme. Furthermore, the jury, given the merit of the many humorists, decided to also assign twelve Honorable Mentions. As per tradition, the Salone Association decided to honor some personalities with representation awards that were granted to Francesco Salvi for his humorous verve and for his return to the Salone with the Rama di Palma'Oro; to Lucio Trojano for his long attendance at Bordighera with the Friendship Award and to Louis Pol Postruzin, Australian humorist, who came specially from Sydney after 23 years with the City of Bordighera Award.

The drawings

The SEA theme was particularly felt by 400 artists from over 60 countries on 5 continents in a crossroads of different sensitivities scattered throughout the world which mainly highlights three aspects, as written by Paola Biribanti, member of the jury: The sea as an environment polluted by plastics is result the most addressed topic; followed by the sea understood as a perilous gateway to a new life, therefore as a place for vacation and recreation. A high quality result. The level of most of the drawings is decidedly high, so it was the unanimous will of the Jury to raise the number of recipients of the Special Mention to twelve.

Books of the year

  • L'uomo di Marketing e la variante limone (Bompiani)

    Meeting with the author. Presents Luca Restivo. Fun look at the corporate world of communication

  • Muto come una vignetta (Il Pennino)

    Presentation with the collaboration of Dino Aloi. Historical essay on the birth of the cartoon as an artistic expression and costume satire.

  • Balene salvateci! (Mursia)

    Stereotypes and misunderstandings about cetaceans. Maddalena was assisted by the brilliant and quick pencil of Milko Dalla Battista

    Photo Gallery

    The SEA theme was particularly felt by 400 artists from over 60 countries on 5 continents in a crossroads of different sensitivities scattered throughout the world which mainly highlights three aspects, as written by Paola Biribanti, member of the jury: The sea as an environment polluted by plastics is result the most addressed topic; followed by the sea understood as a perilous gateway to a new life, therefore as a place for vacation and recreation. A high quality result. The level of most of the drawings is decidedly high, so it was the unanimous will of the Jury to raise the number of recipients of the Special Mention to twelve.

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    The works are the intellectual property of the authors, protected by copyright, and are exhibited on the site for the sole purpose of preserving the cultural heritage of the "Salone”.

    Salone Internazionale dell'Umorismo

    The event could not have lasted for over fifty years without the contribution of numerous "volunteers" and "precepts" who brought enthusiasm and desire to do whatever the task received, with nineteenth-century shifts! From the choice of the drawings, to the preparation of the panels (always the same every year), to the posting with various pins of the hundreds of drawings up to the presence on stage.

    We therefore want to thank, in absolutely no order but with equal contributions, all those who come to mind, apologizing if we miss some, but we are ready to fix it!

    Sponsors: Agnesi, Olio Calvi, Olio Carli, Pallanca, Martini & Rossi, Atkinsons, Seat - Pagine Gialle, Fiat, Citizen, La Stampa, Radio Montecarlo, etc.

    The accommodation activities, Chez Louis, Bar GP, La Vecchia, Mino du Re Dolceacqua, Terme di Pigna, Ristorante Cacciatori Imperia, Hotel Michelin,

    Presenters: Luisella Berrino, Cesare Viazzi, Roberto Basso (Rama di Palma d'Oro 1985)

    The employees of the Autonomous Tourist Board and of the Municipality of Bordighera